Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar
Carlos Rodmar

Carlos Rodmar Claimed

Director & Screenwriter

Average Reviews


Carlos Rodmar, born in the State of Guanajuato, is a multidimensional visual artist.

His academic training was at the New York Film Academy (NYFA), both in New York and Los Angeles, in the areas of cinematography, film direction, screenwriting, and editing. In Mexico, he has participated in numerous workshops focusing on film production and genre cinematography, as well, as in philosophy seminars, in addition to a six-month stint at UBC (University of British Columbia).

In his professional track record, he has written, directed, and produced a series of short films, advert spots, and music videos. He was a Founding Partner and Creative Director of Magenta Films which produced two full-length Mexican films in both of which he was Assistant Director and Associate Producer. He worked as Creative Director for Arterial MX, an internet content agency, for over two years. He has also worked as an independent director in selected TV shows at México diseña by Elle (Sony Pictures), Escápate de la Risa (TV Azteca), and in the second season of TLC Click (Discovery networks). Presently, he is in pre-production on his first full-length film, which he is writing and will direct and co-produce.

