Dar y Recibir
Dar y Recibir
Dar y Recibir
Dar y Recibir
Dar y Recibir

Dar y Recibir Claimed

Social Responsibility Dissemination

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Dar y Recibir con Maru is a space for the dissemination of Social Responsibility issues.

Dar y Recibir was created as a means of dissemination and support on CSR issues and to publicize the work of civil organizations, institutions, and non-profit associations, with the idea of publicizing what they do; in order to get civil society interested and to be able to support them.

Our mission is to disseminate and link Civil Society Organizations with companies to generate co-responsibility and improve our environment. Our vision is to promote the commitment of society to issues of Social Responsibility, volunteering, and a culture of donation.

  • Linkage: 2,535 organizations from different fields throughout the country were contacted to work on linking support and spreading causes.
  • Interviews: 250 interviews with topics of Social Responsibility and dissemination of civil society organizations.
  • Donations: 580 donations delivered to organizations and people in vulnerable situations.
  • Volunteering: 130 volunteer events, 25 collections of books, medicines, toys, clothes, etc., 2 sterilization campaigns, and 2 space cleaning campaigns.

I have been doing volunteer work for 36 years. I was born with a complex congenital heart disease that led me to always be close to those who need us the most, to see the great need of thousands of people, and to start my greatest passion for helping after so many years of experience. Dar y Recibir has been believed for almost 6 years and today we are already on the radio and digital TV. My commitment will always be to support them and train companies to create greater social awareness.

