Quantum Brain Research Institute
Quantum Brain Research Institute
Quantum Brain Research Institute
Quantum Brain Research Institute
Quantum Brain Research Institute
Quantum Brain Research Institute
Quantum Brain Research Institute

Quantum Brain Research Institute Claimed

Mental Health Services

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The Quantum Brain Research Institute is a private Health-Tech entity established in Tallinn, Estonia with the aim of supporting the development of neuroscientific research for neurocritical treatment applications, as well as offering the implementation of publicly accessible instructive programs in mental health assessment and management through a web-based on-demand e-Learning platform.

Quantum Brain Research Institute was consolidated as a solid response to the challenges in public health amidst Covid-19 in neurophysiological, psychological, and psychiatric fields of study in order to better address the impact caused by the pandemic in Estonia and, with a multinational and transdisciplinary vision, to ethically and appropriately project its clinical findings, solutions, and didactic materials to every nation across the world.

Founded in 2021 by Ms. Susanna Uusmaa, an avid biomedical scientist with a Bachelor of Science in Gene Technology from the Tallinn University of Technology and a Masters in Molecular Biosciences from Tallinn University and with robust practical experience in Biomedical Neuroscience at the Clinical & Experimental Neuroscience Group in the University of Luxembourg, and by Mr. Alejandro De La Parra Solomon, a multidisciplinary entrepreneur with experience in International Medicine & Medico-Academic coordination, Information Technology, and International Trade, the Quantum Brain Research Institute, as a multicultural collective of prominent scientists, medical doctors, educators, and other relevant figures of social empowerment in its management staff, advisory board and scientific advisory board, promotes the advancement of the applicable implementation of solutions in neurotechnology and artificial intelligence to address post-pandemic global encounters in key areas of mental health & its effects in the social order.

